An Examination of Code-Switching in FEC Classes

Akbar, Mochammad Rafiqil and Novitasari, Nine Febrie and Thahara, Yopi (2024) An Examination of Code-Switching in FEC Classes. An Examination of Code-Switching in FEC Classes. (Unpublished)

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This research analyzes the code-switching used by the tutor, Siti Murtasia, in an FEC (English course) class from a sociolinguistic perspective. The study aims to identify both the types and functions of the tutor's code-switching, as well as to explore the reasons behind her use of code-switching.A qualitative approach is used for data analysis. Myers-Scotton's (2006) framework for identifying codeswitching types is applied to classify the instances of code-switching in the tutor's speech. Additionally, Flyman-Mattson and Burenhult's (1999) theory of codeswitching functions is employed to explain the motivations behind the tutor’s code-switching. The data analysis follows Spradley's method, including domain analysis, taxonomic analysis, componential analysis, and cultural theme analysis.The results show that there are 68 instances of code-switching, divided into two types: inter-sentential switching, which is the most common with 40 occurrences, and intra-sentential switching with 28 instances. Furthermore, five functions of code-switching are identified, with the most prominent being the topic switch function (23 instances), followed by affective functions (19), repetitive functions (16), and socializing functions (10). Notably, the absence of the linguistic insecurity function suggests that this factor did not play a role in the observed code-switching. Overall, the tutor's speech in the FEC class frequently involves inter-sentential switching, with topic switching being the primary function in her interactions with students.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: P Language and Literature > PE English
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra > S1 Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Mochammad Rafiqil Akbar
Date Deposited: 27 Dec 2024 03:14
Last Modified: 27 Dec 2024 03:14

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